Staff Reporter
KATERE, July 20 – In a heartwarming gesture of solidarity, teachers from Ndiyona and Shinyunguwe circuits in Kavango East region rallied together under the leadership of their education inspectors to provide support for the surviving family of the 16 individuals who tragically perished due to food poisoning in Kayova village, Ndiyona constituency.
The joint statement released on behalf of Ndiyona circuit inspector Pontianus Kamunima expressed deep sympathy and compassion towards the victims, including 9 school-going children, who lost their lives in the unfortunate incident of food poisoning.
“We feel the weight of the tragic accident that occurred at Kayova village, where 16 lives were lost due to food poisoning, including 9 school-age children. The memories of this heartbreaking event remain vivid in our minds,” the statement read.|
Recognizing the hardships and poverty prevalent in the region, Kamunima and the teachers showed their unwavering commitment to standing by the affected family during these trying times.
The statement also shed light on the unfortunate tendency of society to neglect each other in times of difficulty, calling for unity and support for those in need. The teachers expressed gratitude to all who contributed to their donations, emphasizing the importance of community solidarity and care.
The generous efforts of Pontianus Kamunima and his counterpart Zombo Jacinto, the inspector of Shinyungwe circuit, have been lauded on social media. Their leadership, along with the dedication of the teachers, principals, and staff, has earned admiration and praise from the community. Others were encouraged to follow suit and offer assistance in any way possible.
As part of their support, the teachers also donated school uniforms to two surviving learners and provided a mattress for the family. The event was attended by members of the management committee of Kavango East Regional Council, Ndiyona constituency councillor Laurentius Mukoya, and representatives from village development committees.
This touching act of kindness from the teachers demonstrates the power of unity and compassion in times of tragedy, offering hope and assistance to those grappling with loss and adversity in the community.- Namibia Daily News