By Emilia Mbishi
Luderitz, Nov. 21 – The southern town of Luderitz hosted the 18th edition of the Namibia Annual Sports Awards in which sports personalities from various codes were awarded for their hard work.
The minister of sports, youth and national service Agnes Tjongerero handed over sports equipment of different sports coaches that were meant to complement the training needs of the sporting codes.
Sports personalities also took to the streets after the handing-over ceremony to celebrate the day and create sports awareness of the sports awards.
Aletta Friedricks the governor of //Kharas region said sports is a major economic factor and urged the sports commission to start from the primary level to strengthen those structures and nurture the young talent.
The governor said the sports awards help sports personalities to overcome their challenges and applauded the sponsors of the awards.
Tim Ekanjo of MTC said Luderitz is one of the beautiful towns in Namibia often forgotten but remembered when beneficial.
“Right after Covid-19 a lot of sports personalities had so many difficult things to face from losing jobs to loved ones but never gave up and this has taught us a lot about being strong,” he said and added that athletes need to believe in themselves and not to live Instagram lives and to further achieve their dreams.
As different sports personalities received trophies for their achievement, a lot of athletes were happy that they were recognized as well as sports journalists who were in sports that had done a great job this year.
Well-known artists such as Adora and S-Man gave top-rate performances that made the night a success.
Some of the night’s winners were Ananias Shikongo for a sportsman with disabilities of the year, Helalia Johannes the sportswoman of the year and sportsman man of the year Jenny Meuwese.