OHANGWENA, JAN 24 – Police in Ohangwena have launched an inquest after a 28 year old woman was struck by lightning on Friday, 21 January 2022 at 18:26, Oipapakane village.
“It is alleged that Maria Kashululu, aged 28, Namibian female was running inside the house during the rain and got struck by lightning. She fell on the ground and died instantly on the spot. Her body was certified dead by the Doctor at Engela State Hospital. Next of kin is informed”.
In Windhoek, Wanaheda location, the lifeless body of Samuel Eliaser, also known as Boytjie was found floating by a passer-by in Goreagab Dam on Friday, 21 January 2022 at about 18:30. The 21 year old Namibian male had been missing since Thursday, 20 January 2022 according to close family members who were at the scene. Police investigations into the incident are ongoing.
Police in Walvisbay are investigation an unnatural death after Gideon Kakololo Katanga, 41 was hit and seriously injured by a metal pallet which fell on him while loading packing boxes of fish on another metal pallet. Katanga, an employee of Walvis Bay Stevedoring was declared dead by St Gabriel Medical personnel at the scene and the body was taken to Walvis Bay State hospital for death certification. The incident happened on Friday, 21 January 2022 around 16:37 and next of kin were informed.
Elsewhere, on Friday, 21.01.2022 between 08h00 and 09h00, at Otjozonjutji, Okamatapati, Juda Kauejao, a Namibian male, aged 53, allegedly shot himself in the chest inside his farm house and died at the scene. It is further alleged that the deceased came at the kraal and returned to his home before a gun shot was heard. No suicide note was found, the next of kin were informed and police investigations continue.
Police in Katutura have opened an inquisition after the body of George Kanguimine was discovered by his colleagues at around 10:00. According to a police report, between Friday, 21 January 2022, 23h00 and Saturday 22 January 2022 ,06h00 at Brakwater Abattoir, the 47 year old Kanguiminecommitted suicide by hanging himself with a wire from the tree. No foul play is suspected and Police Investigation continue, while his next of kin were notified.
Another incident that is a suspected suicide happened in Oshakati on Saturday, 22 January 2022 at around 13h30, at Onendongo village.
“It is alleged that an unknown man, around 35 years of age, hanged himself. He was wearing a long blue Jean, a white T-shirt, a blue overall jacket, black belt and black puma shoes. No Identification Document was found, or cell phone, neither a suicide note was found on him. Next of kin is unknown therefor not yet informed.” – musa@namibidailynews.info