Staff Writer
Windhoek, Nov. 12 – The Students Union of Namibia (SUN) says the University of Namibia (UNAM) must implement extensive various modalities to close loopholes for exam leakages, such as having the papers set by external bodies such as the NQA or the Council of Higher Education.
The union was commenting on the recent leakage of exam papers it is not surprising the news that examination papers had been leaked at the University of Namibia, resulting in the postponement of the examination.
In a statement issued on 11 November by SUN president Benhard Kavau, the union said the leakage of examination papers had now become a perennial occurrence at the country’s highest institution of learning. The leaked exam papers were for the School of Education.
The union said it has records that in 2011, 2013, 2014 and many more years up to date similar situations had occurred either a lecturer got suspended for sex for marks or leakage of examinations.
“That similar incidents continue repeating themselves shows that the university does not have a prevention strategy nor a cure to the dilemma,” said SUN in the statement.
The union said continually postponing examinations has a negative impact on students as it perplexes their psychological minds knowing that they have prepared just to be told that it has been postponed.
“That has also financial predicaments hence students have to spend extra days in renting facilities once exams are extended,” SUN noted, adding that equally, universities spend a lot in terms of human resources to re-set the examinations as well as re-printing the papers.
“The university must have a friendly environment where students can report sexual harassment for marks or any alleged leakage of examinations before the paper is to be written,” said SUN, adding that the university must have a contingency plan like having a reserve examination paper.
The union also called on students to stop being in the market for leaked examination papers.