ONGWEDIVA, DEC 9 – FirstRand Namibia through its HOPE Fund remained responsive to the pandemic and has been proactive in assisting in the country’s health needs as seen earlier this week when FirstRand Namibia CEO, Conrad Dempsey handed over 115 3D medical oxygen delivery devices as part of that response. This important handover to the Ministry of Health and Social Services is valued at N$ 250 000.
The 3D medical oxygen delivery devices can be used in the hospitals to alleviate the dire oxygen delivery need and prevent more patients from requiring a ventilator. These devices are planned to be used immediately in Katutura Intermediate Hospital and Windhoek Central Hospital as they are referral hospitals for severely ill COVID-19 patients, but it will also be distributed to different hospitals around the country.
Speaking at the handover, Dempsey said, “the most effective steps individuals can take to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus is to keep a physical distance of at least 1 metre from others; wear a well-fitting mask; open windows to improve ventilation; avoid poorly ventilated or crowded spaces; keep hands clean; and again, get vaccinated as soon as possible”.
He added, “living with the pandemic and in lockdowns has been challenging and tough on our people’s psyche. The constant fear kills creativity and people’s ability to meaningfully contribute to the economy. While It would be great to be able to go back to life, doing fun human things and enjoying life and the people around us, especially with the festive season around the corner, overcoming this pandemic is in the hands of each and every Namibian citizen. Please make good decisions this December, get the correct information on which to base your educated decision. We are a small country, and we need every Namibian to be healthy. Please take care of yourself, and if you can – someone else too. It is our collective responsibility to remain safe – protecting ourselves, our families, friends and all Namibians”. – FNB Namibia