OJTOMUISE, JAN 24 – Police are investigating a case of housebreaking with intent to rob and robbery with aggravating circumstances following the theft of valuables worth N$60 000 in Otjomuise extension 2. According to a police report, on Friday, 21 January 2022 between 02:00 and 03:00am in Beijing Street, Otjomuise extension 2, unknown suspect/s cut a padlock which was placed at the entrance of a house before gaining entry. They then held the victims at gun point and robbed them of their properties which included two flat screen televisions, two cellular phones, two school bags, a laptop and a PlayStation-4. The Estimated value of all items stolen is N$ 60 000-00 and no arrest nor recovery has been made yet.
In Rundu police are investigating a case of armed robbery that occurred at Yetu supermarket in the Ndama location. On Friday, 21/01/2022 between 07h00-08h30 unknown suspects entered the shop, pointed a gun at the female cashier, aged 38, and held panga’s at other workers.
The suspects took a bag containing N$16,170.56 cash without any consent. No recovery was made nor any arrest. Police investigation continues. – musa@namibiadailynews.info